Wednesday, February 3, 2010

First New Appliance!

Our kitchen was a little outdated (to say the least) when we moved into our house a year and a half ago.  Much of it is now updated but there are still a few things left to do.  One of the things on my list are new appliances.  I realize that these are not priority and will most likely wait, but when the old dishwasher started putting a yucky film on all of our dishes, I was a little bit happy.  The old one was also very loud and sometimes you had to put your hip into it if the right side of the door wouldn’t close.  Craig completely agreed we needed a new one and voila! a new dishwasher was bought.  I thought it was very cute how Avery had to get her tools and help Daddy work while he put it in.  (Yes, he installed the whole thing himself!  Apparently there is no task too hard for this man.  If he doesn’t know how...he learns.)

Picture 457 Picture 455 Picture 463


Emily said...

Yay! That's exciting. And way to go Craig!