Friday, September 11, 2009

Sponge Roller Update....The Morning After

Wow did these sponge rollers ever work!!! This girl looked like little orphan Annie minus the red hair. These were the tightest curls ever!! Here's what she looked like right after we took them out: AFRO! She kind of made a face in the mirror and said, "I don't like it, Mommy." Hmm, I didn't either. :)

But we got out the blow dryer and pulled the curls down a little bit. I thought it looked a lot better! {Please ignore the spots on my mirror! Well, Avery's mirror. :) }

I think I will go back and get the medium rollers instead of the tiny ones. But as I predicted, by lunchtime, most of the curls had fallen out. It's just the hair we were given! But it still might work out for a Sunday morning every now and then! She is such a doll.


Illuminate Girl's Ministry said...

So hilarious. Love these pictures. hair holds curl really well...sometimes it looks strangely awesome. (Ha!!! Love you sis.)

Anonymous said...

Pretty girl:)

Emily said...

Cute! I remember the sponge roller days. I'm surprised she slept with them alright without them bothering her.

Alexandra said...

Oh, I spent SOOOO many Saturday nights in those things, tossing and turning because I couldn't get comfortable! They always stick you in the head!

She looks soooo cute, the pain was always worth it for me, Love those CURLS!!

Sara said...

So cute! I remember those days - I loved having curly hair for um about an hour!!